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Critical Theory, Philosophy, Literature – Reviews, Essays, Interviews
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Jason Rhys Parry reviews Holly Jean Buck’s Guide to Geoengineering.
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Sam Mickey reviews a book that interrogates freedom in the age of alternative facts.
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Chris Maden reviews Fang Fang’s Diary of the Coronavirus Outbreak.
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Shelley Angelie Saggar reviews an account of the Standing Rock event which makes clear the connection between the voices of ancestral resistance and those of contemporary struggle.
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Paul Scott Stanfield reviews a work of poetry that sees the world in powerful detail(s).
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As the UK government signals a potential ‘path to citizenship’ to nearly 3 million potential Hong Kong BNOs, and Trump starts the process of revoking Hong Kong’s special treatment, journalist and cultural historian Stuart Walton reflects on public and private histories.
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免费好用的加速器- 爬墙专用加速器
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